Our top study tips for students preparing for exams

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Our top study tips for students preparing for exams

Our top study tips for students preparing for exams

Jan 17, 2023 09:26 am Published by

Sleep properly and take regular breaks


Procrastinating all day then FINALLY starting your revision at 2am, sound like you? To make sure your brain is switched on and ready to learn, it’s crucial you get enough sleep and rest. Set yourself a bedtime and try not to sleep in too late the following morning, this new routine will allow you to set out your daily tasks, and you will be more alert and focused during the day. 

It's also important you take regular breaks when studying. Be sure to take a step away from your desk and have a walk around the house, maybe even go to the park for some fresh air? When you come back you will feel refreshed and ready to have another crack at it. 


Create flash cards


The act of writing notes can help with retaining info, and we recommend going all out with your flash cards. Places like The Works or Fred Aldous sell all sorts of coloured card, allowing you to categorise your subjects. Why not even create a flash card collage on your bedroom wall?


Plan ahead


There’s nothing worse than the last-minute scramble to revise the week before. Try and get into a habit early on to study a different topic each day, and constantly look to revisit topics to make sure the information has stuck. 

Top Tip: buy yourself a planner exclusively for revising, this way you can plan your weeks out and know exactly which topic and which day you’re studying!


Create a productive space


When you rent with Rentinc, all rooms have a double desk with storage, and a comfy chair to sink into. This means you can tailor your work space to suite you, and make it a super productive place to revise- no trips to the library needed! 

We suggest refreshing your desk every couple of months by utilising one of your drawers for a naughty snack drawer, adding a desk plant, investing in a wall planner, and organising your revision accessories and tools. 


Balance your diet and meal plan


Studying for exams can be a challenging task even at the best of times, the last thing you need is to drop everything and nip to the shop for your tea! Doing a full food shop at the start of the week is the best way to make sure you’re eating healthily and regularly. There are many recipe ideas online that include all the superfoods which assist with healthy brain function, so get bookmarking… and cooking!

Top Tip: choose meals where you can cook in batches which makes meal planning easier. Meals like pasta, curries, chillies and risottos are all easy to bulk out and freeze for a later use. 


If it’s not working today, try tomorrow


If you're struggling to revise, it can be tempting to keep going to get it out of the way. But if you're hitting a wall, there's no point in pushing through as it will only make you aggravated and exhausted. We suggest when this happens, take a break. Get some rest, eat and try again the following day. It may also help when returning to revision, to start on a different topic to when you left off, as this can help with revision block. 

This post was written by Maisie