Big House Shares: The Benefits Of Living With A Group Of Mates

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Big House Shares: The Benefits Of Living With A Group Of Mates

Big House Shares: The Benefits Of Living With A Group Of Mates

Aug 30, 2022 01:41 pm Published by

For some, a big house is a crowded house. But, there’s a lot to be said for sharing your student accommodation with a group of mates. We’re here to tell you what the benefits are of living in a big house share and some of them might just surprise you… 

You’ve Got An Instant Support Network 

As soon as you move into a big house share, you’ve got an instant group of friends and a support network that will be with you through all the good times. They’ll also be there for the not so good times too. This is a huge advantage of being in student accommodation with a big group of mates. Also, you never know who might be able to help you out with the essay you’re struggling to crack… 


You Get To Live With All Your Best Friends 

Why live with one best friend when you can live with 6 or 7 best friends? The bonds you’ll form while living together in a big house share will create memories for life. Not only will these friendships last through university but it’s likely you’ll end up at each other weddings, live together when you get started on your career, and stay friends through all of life’s important milestones. 

There’s Someone To Share The Cleaning With 

If you lived on your own, you’d have to clean all by yourself. In a big house share, yes there might be a bit more mess but there’s a few other people to help out. And you know what they say, many hands make light work. 

Someone Will Always Have Toilet Roll 

It’s okay, forgetting to buy toilet roll happens to the best of us. It’s likely that one of your house mates can help you out though and it’ll save late night rush to the shops. Just make sure to buy extra for when your house mate is next in need. 

If You Get Locked Out, Someone Else Will Have A Key 

We’ve all done it. Getting locked out of the house is just something that happens – hopefully not too often! If this happens though, it’s likely there’s either someone in the house that can let you in. If not, just head to the nearest pub to keep warm until someone can rescue you. 


There’s Always Something Happening 

Whether there’s a party going on, a big meal being cooked, a good movie night on the cards, funny stories being traded from the evening before, something will always be happening in your house share. Your group of mates will never fail to keep you entertained and there will always be someone around for company. 

Why do you love living in a big house share? Let us know over on Twitter! If you’re looking for next year’s student accommodation in Leeds, come see the team at rentinc or check out what’s available on the website! 

This post was written by Iqra Amanat